Importance of Utilizing EBP

This section will express the important necessity of utilizing EBP when educating the ATSs in your clinical setting as a Preceptor. The CEU regulations involving EBP for ATCs is also provided for you in this section.

EBP Use in Your Clinical Setting

  1. The Preceptor's clinical skills must be current and reflect care decisions supported by a scientific foundation including evidence-based practice.
  2. As allied health care practitioners, ATs must utilize current related theories in being prepared to justify clinical management and rehabilitation decisions based on evidence that the intervention is safe as well as effective.

Continuing Education

  1. The Preceptor must continually learn in order to stay current with his/her clinical knowledge base and skill set through participation in continuing education programs, seminars and/or courses.
  2. The wider knowledge base you attain as a Preceptor will allow the educational experience to be that much richer and diverse for the ATSs.

Evidence Based Practice CEU Regulation as an ATC

Continuing Education: Athletic Trainers (ATs) must complete a predetermined number of continuing education units (CEUs) during the certification maintenance period. The current period ends December 31, 2015. ATs certified before 2014 must complete 50 CEUs, which must include at least 10 Evidence Based Practice (per the BOC Standards). The Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer website offers information on deciding EBP CEU's and other pertinent information.
