Clinical Education Structure
The following is a summary of the clinical education that each CMU AT student must complete. You will notice that each year is classified using a level system.
- Level one students are called pre-AT (PRAT) students and must have a 22 ACT in order to be unconditionally admitted to the PRAT program in their freshman year.
- Formal admission to the athletic training program is competitive and requires that each applicant complete the pre-professional (PRAT) program in order to be eligible for formal admission to the athletic training education program (professional program- levels II, III, IV). Meeting the pre-professional requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
- Levels II,III, and IV are sequential and each student has to demonstrate several clinical proficiencies. These proficiencies can be performed in the clinical education rotation but their final evaluation will be performed on campus by the professors that teach each course.
Clinical Education Outline
- Courses: First Aid/CPR/AED; Introduction to Athletic Training
- Laboratories: First Aid/CPR/AED Lab
- Clinical Course: NONE - must complete a minimum/maximum of 100-300 hrs of clinical observation. This can be accomplished by utilizing both semesters. Students will be assigned a preceptor with various sports (4 weeks each) and morning clinic. New students will be assigned a mentor and will complete a series of check offs (located in new student manual) as part of the application process.
- Proficiencies: NONE
- Due Dates for Profs: NONE
- Courses: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
- Laboratories: NONE
- Clinical Course: NONE
- Proficiencies: NONE
- Due Dates for Profs: NONE
ATHLETIC TRAINING /SOPHOMORE YEAR / Level II, Section 1 - Fall Semester
- Courses: Modalities, Upper Extremity Orthopedic Evaluation
- Laboratories: Modalities Lab; Upper Extremity Orthopedic Eval Lab
- Clinical Course: AT101 - The requirements for AT 101 are the completion of all level 1 requirements (pre-professional phase). Completion of Level 1 requirements allows the student to progress to level 2 (AT 101 and AT 102). Students must complete a CMU intercollegiate sport rotation. Hour requirements are listed in the sport hour requirement document and are varied. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (3 hours per week minimum).
- Foliotek Proficiencies:
- First Aid/ CPR/AED (4) Scenarios (AC-CIP-6.0-6.3)- Prof Pratte - due by end of week 5
- Unconscious Patient
- Conscious Patient
- Bleeding Patient
- Care and Prevention (9)- (PHP-CIP-2.0-2.8)- Prof Welton - due by end of week 10
- Ankle Taping
- Arch Taping
- Thumb Taping
- Hip Spica Wrap
- Helmet Fitting
- Shoulder Pad Fitting
- Crutch Fitting
- Knee Bracing
- Orthotic Making
- Intro to Athletic Training (1)- Prof Wilson - due by end of week 13
- Psychosocial/Mental Health Patient Powerpoint (PS-CIP-8.0)
- Due Dates for Profs: see above. Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- EXIT EXAM: 150 MC over CPR, Intro to AT, Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
- First Aid/ CPR/AED (4) Scenarios (AC-CIP-6.0-6.3)- Prof Pratte - due by end of week 5
ATHLETIC TRAINING / SOPHOMORE YEAR / Level II, Section 2 - Spring Semester
- Courses: Lower Extremity Orthopedic Evaluation, Rehabilitation Techniques I
- Laboratories: Rehab Techniques I Lab, Lower Extremity Orthopedic Evaluation Lab
- Clinical Course: AT102- The requirements for AT 102 are the completion of all level 2, Section 1 requirements. Completion of Level 2, section 1 requirements allows the student to progress to level 2, Section 2. (AT 102). Students must complete a CMU intercollegiate sport rotation. Hour requirements are listed in the sport hour requirement document and are varied. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (4 hours per week minimum).
- Foliotek Proficiencies:
- Intro to Athletic Training (1) - Prof Wilson - due by end of week 10
- Health Assessment Video and Plan (PHP-CIP-1.0)
- At Risk Patient PPT (PHP-CIP-3.0)
- Evaluation (1UE)/Evaluation/Modality Prof Welton, Pratte. - evaluation due by the end of week 8, rehab and modalities due by end of week 12 This will include but not limited to:
- All documentation
- Psychosocial aspects of rehab
- Privacy Issues
- All evaluation, rehab, modalities, and documentation must be on the same patient.
- Intro to Athletic Training (1) - Prof Wilson - due by end of week 10
- Due Dates for Profs: see above. Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- EXIT EXAM: 150 questions - Lower Extremity Evaluation, Modalities, Anatomy and Kinesiology
ATHLETIC TRAINING / JUNIOR YEAR / Level III, section 1 - Fall Semester
- Courses: Rehabilitation Techniques II, Organization & Administration of AT
- Laboratories: Rehabilitation Techniques II Lab
- Clinical Course: AT201- The requirements for AT 201 are the completion of all level 2, Section 2 requirements. Completion of Level 2, section 2 requirements allows the student to progress to level 3, Section 1. (AT 201). Students must complete a CMU intercollegiate sport rotation. Hour requirements are listed in the sport hour requirement document and are varied. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (4 hours per week minimum).
- Foliotek Proficiencies:
- Evaluation (1Le)/Rehab/Modality(1Le) - Prof Welton, Wilson, Pratte. - evaluation due by the end of week 8, rehab and modalities due by end of week 12 This will include but not limited to:
- All documentation
- Psychosocial aspects of rehab
- Privacy Issues
- All evaluation, rehab, modalities, and documentation must be on the same patient.
- Evaluation (1Le)/Rehab/Modality(1Le) - Prof Welton, Wilson, Pratte. - evaluation due by the end of week 8, rehab and modalities due by end of week 12 This will include but not limited to:
- Due Dates for Profs: Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- EXIT EXAM: 150 MC- Rehabilitation I and Lower Extremity Evaluation
ATHLETIC TRAINING / JUNIOR YEAR / Level III, section 2 - Spring Semester
- Courses: NONE
- Laboratories: NONE
- Clinical Course: AT202- The requirements for AT 202 are the completion of all level 3, Section 1 requirements. Completion of Level 3, section 1 requirements allow the student to progress to level 3, Section 2. (AT 202). Students must complete a CMU intercollegiate sport rotation. Hour requirements are listed in the sport hour requirement document and are varied. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (4 hours per week minimum).
- Foliotek Proficiencies:
- Evaluation(1Le)/Rehab/Modality(1Le) and three phase rehab from upper evaluation in spring sophomore year - Prof Welton, Wilson, Pratte. - due by end of week 8, rehab and modalities due by end of week 12. This will include but not limited to:
- All documentation
- Psychosocial aspects of rehab
- Privacy Issues
- All evaluation, rehab, modalities, and documentation must be on the same patient.
- Billing file for patient. (HCFA)
- Evaluation(1Le)/Rehab/Modality(1Le) and three phase rehab from upper evaluation in spring sophomore year - Prof Welton, Wilson, Pratte. - due by end of week 8, rehab and modalities due by end of week 12. This will include but not limited to:
- ACES Preparatory Workshop (required) TBA at Central Methodist University. Students must have an average raw score of 80 or above to be endorsed to sit for BOC examination in any testing period. If a student fails to have a score of 80 or above, the student will be required to obtain the required score by taking a version of the ACES workshop test located on the NATA web site. See Program Director for details. An incomplete will be given for the clinical course until the required score is attained. Failure to obtain the necessary score may affect your graduation status and delay BOC examination endorsement.
- Due Dates for Profs: Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- EXIT EXAM: 150 questions - Rehabilitation II and Organization and Adm. of AT
ATHLETIC TRAINING / SENIOR YEAR / Level IV, section 1 - Fall Semester
- Courses: Pharmacology
- Laboratories: No AT Courses
- Clinical Course: AT301- The requirements for AT 301 are the completion of all level 3, Section 2 requirements. Completion of Level 3, section 2 requirements allows the student to progress to level 4, Section 1. (AT 301). Students must complete a high school rotation. Hour requirement is 150-300 hrs. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (4 hours per week minimum). Students must complete a 10 hour general medical rotation with the nurse practitioner in the CMU Student Health Center.
- Proficiencies:
- Head /Face/ Neck Evaluation - Prof Welton - due by end of week 8. This will include but not limited to:
- All documentation
- Psychosocial aspects of rehab
- Privacy Issues
- All evaluation, rehab, modalities, and documentation must be on the same patient.
- Head /Face/ Neck Evaluation - Prof Welton - due by end of week 8. This will include but not limited to:
- Due Dates for Profs: Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- EXIT EXAM: will complete a series of review tests and position statements over course of semester- please see syllabus for details
ATHLETIC TRAINING / SENIOR YEAR / Level IV, section 2 - Spring Semester
- Courses: No AT Courses
- Laboratories: No AT Courses
- Clinical Course: AT 302- The requirements for AT 302 are the completion of all level 4, Section 1 requirements. Completion of Level 4, section 1 requirements allows the student to progress to level 4, Section 2. (AT 301). Students must complete a rehab clinic rotation. Hour requirement is 70-100 hrs. Students will be assigned morning Treatment/Rehab rotations (4 hours per week minimum). AT312- students must watch a surgery and complete a case study.
- Proficiencies:
- Spine/include hip Evaluation - Prof Welton - due by end of week 8
- Abdomen/Heart/Lung/Thorax (General Medical) Evaluation - Prof Welton - due by end of week. This will include but not limited to:
- All documentation
- Psychosocial aspects of rehab
- Privacy Issues
- All evaluation, rehab, modalities, and documentation must be on the same patient.
- Due Dates for Profs: Failure to complete evaluation by due date will result in grade reduction. Missing materials will result in professor declining work and possible reduction of grade.
- If a December graduate you must complete the proficiencies in summer semester.
- EXIT EXAM: Full Board Mock Exam- 177 questions. If Dec graduate must take at end of fall semester
- The following anatomical areas must be evaluated and have rehabilitation plans including modalities and all necessary documentation:
- Shoulder- Required - must be on real patient and video recorded
- Wrist/Hand/ Phalanges/Thumb- optional
- Elbow - optional
- LOWER EXTREMITY- one evaluation must contain a billing file.
- Knee - Required - must be on real patient and video recorded
- Ankle/Shin/Foot - Required-must be on real patient and video recorded
- Spine/hip evaluation - Required - must be on real patient and video recorded
- GENERAL MED - Evaluation only
- Abdomen/Heart/Lung (General Medical) Evaluation Required - must be on real patient if possible and video recorded
- Head/Face/Cervical Evaluation - Required - must be on real patient if possible and video recorded