Computer Science Frequently Asked Questions

What skills do I need to succeed in this major?

If you're considering a computer science major at CMU, you should have strong computer skills with an interest in programming languages, hardware and software. Analytical, communication and problem-solving skills are very important, and curiosity along with a good work ethic are essential.

How will I know if this major fits me?

If you enjoy a challenge, and are interested in technology, problem-solving, and figuring out how computer systems work, this major is a great choice for you. From watches to automobiles, and GPS guidance systems to internet-connected thermostats, computing is integral to many of our most basic day-to-day functions.

What can I expect to learn?

As a computer science student at CMU, you will develop programming skills in multiple languages and on various platforms. You'll become familiar with technologies associated with information systems such as networking, databases, cloud computing, operating systems, and architecture - and learn how these technologies can be used to deliver solutions in business environments. As you further your education, you'll continually develop critical thinking skills and analytical capabilities, and learn to adapt to an ever-changing field by becoming a life-long learner.

What technology will I use in this major?

You will receive continuous experience with database technologies such as SQL, HTML and CSS, networking technologies such as Ethernet, Programming Languages such as C#, Python, and Java, and Integrated Development Environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio and Netbeans.

Will I have opportunities for internships and hands-on learning experiences?

The computer science major offers many opportunities for hands-on experience. There are internships with CMU's Office of Technology Services and other campus departments. Additionally, businesses around the state and beyond offer internship opportunities for our computer science majors. Our students intern with offices of administration as programmers, as well as various IT departments.

What are CMU computer science majors saying about their experience?

"The program has already made me confident that I'll graduate with all the skills needed to perform any job in the computer science field." - Daniel Hunt

"CMU is a wonderful school, made especially so by the faculty and community. Their passion for teaching students helps to create a positive learning environment. These qualities at CMU help to make it my top choice of colleges in the nation. If I had to make the decision to attend here again, I would a hundred times over." - Jeff Byuos

"CMU has prepared me for the professional world by encouraging me to go above and beyond my studies through honors projects and internships. By combining my studies with hands-on experiences, the opportunities CMU has made available for me, and the traditional values of integrity, hard work, and servant leadership, I am prepared to make an impact on both my industry and my nation." - Parker Johnson

What are CMU students who graduated with this degree doing now?

Graduates of CMU's computer science program are working in a variety of settings and fields including graduate and professional schools, as IT specialists, consultants, programmers, network and database administrators, helpdesk technicians, and more. A student who has graduated with this major is qualified for employment in business or industry positions requiring application programming, knowledge of computing systems, and the use of software packages.

Who can I speak with for more information about this major?

For additional guidance and information about the computer science major, contact CMU's Admissions Department at 660-248-6251, toll-free at 877-CMU-1854, or