Swinney Conservatory of Music
The Swinney Conservatory of Music at Central Methodist University has a long legacy of excellence. The Conservatory was established in 1927 and has been a member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1950. Students in the Conservatory participate in many recitals and concerts throughout the year, and hosts numerous visiting artists and special events.
Festivals, Camps, and Events
The CMU Swinney Conservatory of Music holds several festivals and music camps on the Fayette campus throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to attend the public performances for each event.
Woodwind Invitational: April 3, 2025. The Swinney Conservatory of Music invites you to the CMU Woodwind Invitational. At this event, outstanding woodwind instrumentalists in grade 9-12 will have the opportunity to work with our experienced CMU faculty and guest clinicians to strengthen your technique and musical skills. There will be opportunities to learn more about the music program at CMU, visit with Admissions staff, and spend time with our students.
State Festival Coaching Day: April 22, 2025. The faculty at CMU have over 100 years of experience in preparing students for State Music Festival and this year we want to help you! Join us for State Festival Coaching Day on April 22, 2025 and spend time working with knowledgeable teachers who have helped hundreds of students prepare successful performances at State.
Summer Music Camp: June 9-13, 2025. Choir camp will be held June 9-11, and band camp will be held June 11-13. Students are welcome to apply to both for a full week of fun! Join middle school and high school musicians for the annual Central Methodist University Summer Music Camp. Application deadline is May 9, 2025. Camp is open to students in grades 7-12. Students will participate in band and/or choir, fun music activities, and sessions with experienced professional musicians. For more information email finearts@centralmethodist.edu.
Band Day: October 11, 2025. This event, designed to be an educational experience for students and directors, will include Street, Field, Indoor Drumline, and Indoor Color Guard competitions. CMU Band Day is a MSHSAA-sanctioned event with schools classified per MSHSAA Official School Enrollment Information. Registration will be coming soon and is limited to first 40 schools.
Academic Programs
Learn more about CMU's music programs and co-curricular opportunities.