Central Career Changers

CMU education major student and child participating in educational play activity

Central Methodist University's recent education initiative aligns an expedited pathway toward a Bachelor of Science in Education for qualifying students currently working in the field of education. This is a grant-funded opportunity made possible by the MoSEPWork Grant.
CMU's Central Career Changers Program, C3 Program referenced hereafter, is currently available for students pursuing any of the following online undergraduate degrees:

• Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
• Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
• Bachelor of Science Special Education

About This Program

Through a student apprenticeship model of education, employees in participating Missouri Public Institutions can hold positions as teacher's aids, paraprofessionals, or instructional/classroom assistants as they complete their education at CMU, completely online, in as soon as 11-13 months by joining this earning through learning experience.

From this arrangement, student apprentices are eligible to earn 20-24 credit hours of CMU's Bachelor of Science in Education, at no cost, as long as the following requirements are met:

Clock 4,000 hours (2 years) of work, youth, or pre-apprenticeship experience, or a mix thereof. Eligible candidates are allowed to transfer in 2,000 hours (1 year) of work, youth, or pre-apprenticeship experience earned prior to their enrollment in the C3 Program, with proper documentation. See "Verification of Employment" to the right.

Successfully complete/submit required artifacts for specified courses, when directed. See list of courses eligible for earn/learn credit under "C3 Program Plans" to the right.

Maintain and/or show continuous improvement on job performance in the classroom. Mentor evaluations are completed each semester the student is in the C3 Program. Learn more about Mentors and Mentor Evaluations under "Districts" to the right.





What C3 courses am I eligible to receive?

Each of the three majors in the program have a different list of eligible C3 courses for the student apprentice. See our Program Plans to determine what C3 courses are eligible in each of the individual majors. 

Is my employer a partner with the C3 Program?

For the most up to date list of our current partners, please CLICK HERE.

How can my employer pursue a partnership with the C3 Program?

If your employer isn’t on the list of our current partners and you’d like us to approach your employer with the opportunity, email kthurman@centralmethodist.edu and provide an administrative contact from your district (include the administrator’s first name, last name, title, and email address). From there, CMU will contact them regarding the opportunity.

How long will it take me to graduate in the C3 Program?

A typical student who is transferring to CMU with an AAT degree and 1 year of relevant work or pre-apprenticeship experience can anticipate roughly 12 months of remaining coursework with CMU’s C3 Program to qualify for graduation. Remaining coursework is to be completed online over the duration of their continuous employment inside their district. 

ALL students have to complete 4,000 hours (2 years) of work experience prior to being eligible for the BSEd. with CMU’s C3 Program. Previous work experience of up to one year can be applied to the two year requirement IF completed with the same employer (i.e. students who have worked with their current employer for 1+ year prior to beginning with CMU’s C3 Program). 

Who am I supposed to pick as a mentor?

When suggesting a mentor to your building principal for approval, choose a colleague that:

• Has worked inside the district for 3+ years 
• Has a Missouri Teaching License 
• Is willing to complete an evaluation on your performance each semester

Does my mentor have to have a specific degree/position in order to mentor me as a student apprentice?

Yes and no.

• A mentor must have a Missouri Teaching License. 
• A mentor does not have to share a similar educational background or major that the student is seeking to pursue. 

Do I have to work in the same environment of the major I wish to pursue?

No. For example, if a student apprentice holds a position as a Special Education Paraprofessional, the student can still pursue any of the 3 majors: Early Childhood, Elementary, or Special Education.

What if I have no work experience in the field of education?

Students with 0 work experience are eligible for the C3 Program – once they have secured a position with one of our C3 Program partners. 

How do I get a Provisional Teaching License?

In order to be eligible for a Provisional Teaching License, students must be within 15 credit hours of graduating from a Teacher Education Program. 

How long do I have to be a para to receive all of the apprenticeship credit?

Each C3-Course has a different requirement in order to be awarded the credit. For the final credit to be awarded, the student is required to have worked a minimum of two concurrent years (4,000 hours) to be eligible.